MCR Pathways

Why does MCR exist? 
Every young person has enormous talent, however care-experienced students and other young people identified to MCR by schools may be struggling to engage with their education. They aim to support many young people including young carers, asylum seekers or those who have suffered significant family bereavement or disruption at home.

The ScotCen 2020 Research Study showed that prior to the introduction of mentoring, 59.8% of care-experienced young people progressed to full-time employment, college or university. This rose to 81.6% of our mentored young people. By connecting each young person with a mentor, they can give students the support they need to succeed.

The Young Person Journey

They support young people with diverse, engaging and inspiring opportunities to help them identify their talent and have the confidence to progress to a positive post-school destination. MCR Pathways works with young people from primary Year 6 and works with them right up until they leave school.

Each secondary school has a designated Pathways Coordinator (PC) who is there to identify and support those who will benefit from the programme. The young people work with the Coordinator in weekly Group Work for the first two years before mentoring begins from Year 9, when they can be matched with a mentor. Throughout their time in the programme, young people can also have the chance to sample different places of work and studies through our Talent Taster programme.

Our MCR Coordinator at Haileybury Turnford is Mr P White

Why Mentoring Matters

MCR mentoring transforms lives: It is their aim that every young person should have the same opportunities and life chances as every other young person, irrespective of their background.

There is amazing potential in the young people they support, potential they wish to see nurtured so they can thrive. Mentors make a life-changing difference by simply spending one hour a week listening and being there for their young person. By helping to build their confidence and nurture self-esteem, MCR mentors empower their young person to unlock their future.

Visit the MCR Pathways website:

Become a mentor Click Here


MCR Pathways information