Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC)

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is an important part of life at Haileybury Turnford and is promoted across the entire school and in all features of school life.  Our intention and school vision are to ensure all students have the opportunity to be provided with the best climate and environment for learning so they can achieve the best they can in all aspects of life. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is implicit within the school curriculum and also the school culture and vision for every student.

We fully support the embedding of British Values both within Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development provision and across the whole curriculum.  We plan our curriculum so that it extends beyond the academic to support student’s personal development and prepare students effectively for life in modern Britain.  Our wider school curriculum is planned to enable students’ access to a wide and rich set of experiences and opportunities, enabling all students to develop confidence, resilience, strength of character and encourage all students to become responsible and respectful members of society.   (See Link to our whole school Personal Development Provision Map showing details of additional opportunities providing to support SMSC across the school).

SMSC is given priority across the school supporting our aim to create an inclusive community for all students.  Opportunities to deliver SMSC and British Values to students in addition to the main curriculum can be identified on the link below. We are committed to developing SMSC and promoting British Values. An identified member of the Senior Leadership Team (Vice Principal) coordinates SMSC and British Values provision.  A subject Lead coordinates Personal Social Development and Religious Studies for all year groups and a Personal Development Coordinator supports with planning whole school Personal Development opportunities and student leadership.  The Personal Development Curriculum is regularly discussed at Senior Leadership Meetings and reported to the Governor’s Committee throughout the year.

Spiritual: explore beliefs and experience; respect values; discover oneself and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

Moral: recognise right from wrong; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views

Social: use social skills in different contexts; work well with others; resolve conflicts; understand how communities work

Cultural: appreciate cultural influences; participate in cultural opportunities; understand accept. Respect and celebrate diversity.

The HT Student Character Traits


Tutor Time Programme 

All students have a daily Tutor time session from 8.40am until 9.00am each morning.  Students follow a programme designed to support Social, Moral, Social and Cultural Development and promoting Fundamental British Values.  Students are also supported during Tutor time in developing literacy skills. The Tutor Programme for Y7-11 is as shown below:


Assembly Programme

A published Theme for the week underpins the assemblies and provides a focus for Tutor time. The main aim of assemblies is to develop and provide the following:

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Fundamental British Values. All assemblies begin with a student playing a musical instrument.  The values underpinning the school’s Behaviour and Discipline Policy, Haileybury Turnford student character traits, minimum expectations of being Ready, Respectful and Safe, British values.

In addition, the Assembly Programme promotes the school’s commitment in pursuing Ambition, Pride and Success for the entire school community and each individual student.

Assemblies and Tutor sessions are also planned to promote British Values including the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  Assemblies will also be planned to cover special events, relay key messages and deliver key information particularly from Student Leaders.

If you would like to see Assembly Programmes for 2023-24 please contact

Assembly Programme 2024-25


Autumn Term 1


The School of Sexuality Education presented an information and guidance session to parents/carers including information about how young people can be supported to engage in positive healthy relationships the link below includes details of the webinar session.

Webinar Slides


SMSC Development within the Curriculum

We offer spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities throughout our curriculum in addition to the whole school Personal Development Programme.  Our curriculum enables students to enjoy an extensive range of activities that promote their spiritual, moral, social cultural development.  We believe SMSC education plays a significant part in students’ ability to learn and achieve and therefore aim to provide an education that provides students with opportunities to explore and develop their own values, beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards others, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.  This is embedded throughout all aspects of school life.  The curriculum audit below gives examples of how individual subject areas plan for SMSC opportunities.


Personal & Social Development and Religious Education

All students at Haileybury Turnford receive Personal & Development and Religious Education.

Religious Education promotes students’ knowledge of, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values.

Key Stage 3 students study the six main religions; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism.  Lessons focus on the key features of each religion, including learning about inspirational religious leaders, key sacred texts, rites of passages, key teachings, worship, moral and ethical issues, following guidance from the locally agreed syllabus.  In Year 9 students learn about relationships, including attitudes to different types of relationships.  Religious Education lessons also focus on equality, protected characteristics, suffering, peace and conflict.  The Religious Studies curriculum provides important opportunities such as discussions and debates in class, for students to be able to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life.

The Personal & Social Development curriculum is taught during a discrete lesson for all year groups throughout the year.  The topics and lessons are planned to deliver age specific and relevant content and include Relationships and Sex Education.  The Religious Education and Personal & Social Development Curriculum Overviews can be found at the link below:

Click here for Personal & Social Development Curriculum overview

Click here for Religious Education Curriculum overview for KS3

Click here for Religious Studies Curriculum overview for KS4


Student Leadership at Haileybury Turnford

Developing Student Leadership across the school is key, as when given an opportunity students can have a profound impact on their school. Involvement in leadership activities can improve students’ learning as well as helping them to develop the skills and traits needed for success outside of the classroom.

Haileybury Turnford’s Student Leadership Programme aims to increase the opportunity for Student Leadership across the school and to give all students an opportunity to be listened to and contribute to promoting whole school events and student wellbeing.

We encourage and plan regular opportunities for students to feedback on ‘school life’ including teaching and learning, wellbeing provision, homework, co-curricular activities, and rewards.  Student voice is important in supporting leaders across the school and provides opportunities to continue to create an inclusive, safe, and engaging learning environment for all students.


Student Leadership Team

  • To promote academic achievement of all students regardless of ability to increase motivation, resilience, and confidence and the HT Student Character Traits.
  • Ensure that all students have excellent communication skills to allow them to access all areas of school life.
  • To make sure every child feels safe and welcome in school.
  • To support students to feel ready and prepared for secondary school.

Students at HT have an important role in making decisions about their school.  Student voice is considered important at HT and there are opportunities for students to take part in leadership roles from Year 7 through to Year 13.


Student Leadership Group

HT’s Student Leadership Group is led by our Head Students in the Sixth Form.  The Student Leadership Group hold regular meetings to discuss key issues.  The group will also hold student voice sessions with other students giving other students an opportunity to bring forward key issues and discuss ways in which the school can continue to improve.


Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have received training from the Diana Award in March 2023 and November 2023 and have received support, skills, practical ideas, knowledge and confidence to effectively tackle bullying in the school.  The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are responsible for raising awareness of bullying, leading on campaigns and promoting kindness. They have held a charity events to raise for School Diversity, led student assemblies, supported Anti-Bullying Week events, established an Anti-Bullying drop-in surgery for students needing support and continue to meet regularly to advise the school on how we can support our Anti-Bullying campaign.


Anti-Bullying Diana Award Trained Ambassadors for 2023

Year 8 students Scarlett Baker, Rekha Balasingam, Rebecca Dean, Dylan Down, Amy-Rose Kelly, Daniel Wellington, Evie Yiannacou and Mustafa Yuce and Year 9 students Angelica Biniecka, Lucy Boyes, Steeyah Husraz, Jayden Lewin, Blake Lenard, Don Sakyi and Audrey Walker.


Anti-Racism and Black Lives Matter Committee

The Black Lives Matter Committee’s purpose is to celebrate and raise awareness for our different cultures. In our committee so far, we have discussed and presented on our history. It is Black History Month and in honour of this we have created and presented a whole school assembly. Each student had different information to deliver. There was information about Black history, slavery, how they were treated and afro hair. We learned about patterns resembling roads and paths to avoid. We felt this was significant to share since stereotypical views are leading to unequal rights. Moving forward we hope to educate others on the good as well of the bad features on Black history.

HT Black Lives Matter Committee (BLMC) are a group of 24 student leaders and ambassadors for the school who proactively promote anti-racism and inclusivity in our school community.


Diversity Group 

We have a group of diversity student ambassadors leading this work at HT.

Diversity group at HT

Diversity group poster




Black History Month 2023 Assembly slides
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
How SMSC is promoted within Curriculum Areas