Pupil Premium

How are we using our Pupil Premium Funding?

Pupil Premium is a funding initiative introduced to ensure that students aged 11 to 16 from families with limited income receive additional funding to help their educational attainment. The funding is given to the school rather than the individual and is based on the number of children in receipt of Free School Meals now or in the past 6 years.

At Haileybury Turnford much of the funding will be channelled into targeted teaching and learning and innovative projects to increase student engagement in education.

Although we are targeting the specific students for whom we have received funding, we are determined that these students will not be stigmatised or labelled because of the financial barriers to education that they face. For example, Haileybury Turnford uses thumbprint technology to pay for school lunches. Those students entitled to free school meals have their accounts topped up automatically at the start of each school week, so there is no apparent difference between students entitled to free school meals and those who are not.

Our next External Pupil Premium Review will take place during 2024-25.

Click the following link for the DfE’s guidance – Pupil Premium funding and accountability for schools.

To apply for free school meals Click here

Specific information on the impact of our Pupil Premium funding can be seen below.

Please contact Mrs Goodes, Senior Vice Principal goodesm@haileyburyturnford.com for more details about Pupil Premium funding.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23