Teaching and Support Staff Vacancies

Part-time or Full time Teacher of Spanish

We require for April or September 2025, a well-qualified and inspiring Teacher of Spanish.  It is an excellent opportunity for an Early Career Teacher (ECT) at the start of their career or a more experienced practitioner.  The successful candidate will teach Key Stage 3 and/or GCSE Spanish depending on expertise and experience.

Salary: MPS/UPS including London Fringe allowance

For further details please visit www.teachinherts.com Click Here


SEND Link Worker

37 hours per week, 39 weeks a year
08:00 – 16:00 Mon – Thu
08:00 – 15:30 Fri
½ hour break during the day: time of which to be agreed within the department
Salary: H5 10-14 pro rata

To help enable students with SEND to access the curriculum and to achieve their potential and assist in the coordination of their support between teacher, parent and school. We are looking to expand our Flexible Learning Department due to requiring additional capacity to support our students with EHCPs

For further details please visit www.teachinherts.com Click Here