Careers Programme

This information is designed for students, teachers, parents and employers

Careers at Haileybury Turnford

Mr S Aydin and Miss E Ridgeway are responsible for Careers Education at Haileybury Turnford. They will both oversee all aspects of careers education, advice and guidance at Haileybury Turnford and can be contacted at and Telephone 01992 308333.

Good Career guidance is the key to social mobility.  It is about showing young people the options available and open to them and helping them to make the right choices to set them on the path to rewarding future careers.  Our curriculum and careers education at Haileybury Turnford aim to prepare students for their future destinations and life beyond school.  We endeavour to ensure all students, parents and carers are aware of the options and choices available as they progress through school and beyond school.  At Haileybury Turnford we allow students to research all options so they can make well informed choices about their future.

Haileybury Turnford’s Career Programme works towards the Gatsby Benchmarks framework for good career guidance. The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are developed to support schools in providing students with the best possible careers education, information and advice.

More information about the Gatsby Benchmarks Click Here

Click Here for their video.

Haileybury Turnford’s careers programme includes the following:

  • Personal Development lesson during tutor time delivered once per fortnight for Key Stage 3: Years 7,8 & 9; and once per week for Key Stage 4: Years 10 & 11.
  • Assemblies relevant to each year group.
  • Enrichment opportunities and drop-down sessions run by various external agencies.
  • Post-16 work experience.
  • Career guidance tasks.
  • One-to-one personal careers guidance.
  • STEM projects and competitions delivered by design & technology, science and maths.
  • Enterprise projects.
  • Careers talks and encounters with employers offered at Haileybury.
  • Coordinated transition for students with SEND through the SEND/Flex Coordinator and SENCO.
  • UCAS and enterprise talks for post-16 students.
  • Annual Year 9 Options and Sixth Form Open Evening.
  • Prince’s Trust Achievement Award aimed at supporting disadvantaged students.
  • Close liaison with Hertfordshire and Balliol College, Oxford University and Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University.
  • Business and Enterprise activities and events.
  • Regular external speakers deliver to whole year groups and small groups where necessary.
  • Careers Fair trips for Sixth Form students.
  • Independent personal guidance for all students in KS4 and KS5.

Haileybury Turnford is affiliated with the Career Development Institute (CDI).  This is an institute and professional body for the careers sector which supports schools and Career Leaders to support Career Education in schools.  The CDI is a national and recognised organisation and UK-wide professional body for everyone working in the fields of career education; career information; advice and guidance.

Haileybury Turnford Careers Programme Click Here

At Haileybury Turnford we are committed to providing a careers programme to inform and equip every student in Year 7 to 13 with the information, skills and options needed to ensure they have a successful and smooth transition from education into employment.

We offer a tailored careers programme for each year group, which is designed to inspire our students, raise their aspirations and promote access to different career paths. In addition to year group activities, we also give parents information at planned events throughout the year and listen to student and parent voice regarding careers education through annual focus groups and surveys.

In 2014, Lord Sainsbury’s Gatsby Charitable foundation published a report titled “Good Career Guidance”. The report identified eight benchmarks that are core dimensions of good careers and enterprise provision in schools.

To help us deliver each of these benchmarks we work with a range of partners and organisations to support our Careers and IAG provision some of our partners are shown below.

HOP – Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal Click Here

The premier gateway in Hertfordshire to explore career opportunities.

HT’s Enterprise Advisors

Dean Williamson (Cheshunt FC, Chairman) and Daniel O’Connell (Creative Lead at Camelot). Our Enterprise Advisors work closely with the Careers Lead to engage HT students in what it takes to work in these specific environments and more.

Hertfordshire County Council Services Young People (SfYP) – Click Here

Provide impartial careers interviews and advice to each of our Year 11 and sixth form students.

Hertfordshire Local Enterprise PartnershipClick Here

Support in meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks and evaluating careers and IAG provision.

Innovative Career SolutionsClick Here

Provide opportunities for students to gain work shadowing through an assessment centre experience with Year 12 students. Student visits and deliver on the Year 10 Careers Day.

UnifrogClick Here

Platform that helps students to make the best choices and submit the strongest applications

University of HertfordshireClick Here

In conjunction with their Outreach programme they provide a range of in school and on
campus activities for all year groups to gain more information about going to university and what it will be like.

Haileybury Turnford facilitates access of providers to the school for the purpose of giving students information about the provider’s access or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. For further details please see our Provider Access Statement (Baker Clause) Click Here

Careers Programme
We deliver a structured CEIAG activity plan which is reviewed on an ongoing basis and involves all year groups. Below is a brief outline of some of the key activities we offer.

Careers Champions
Each faculty area has their own careers champion who is responsible for linking curriculum learning to careers, bringing in external speakers and organising trips and visits that are related to careers.

Careers Bulletins

In addition to the form time sessions the school also produces a fortnightly careers bulletin designed to keep students, parents and staff updated on all things related to careers. Please find below links to the current bulletin and previous issues.

Apprenticeship Information

Apprenticeship hints/tips for parents/carers

Click here for Careerometer

The school’s next review of the information published will be September 2023.


DfE statutory Careers guidance for schools - January 2023
Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
Provider Access Statement - Careers (Baker Clause)
10th February 2025 Careers Bulletin
6th December 2024 Careers Bulletin
20th September 2024 Careers Bulletin